If customers can see a firm that values integrity, purpose and vision for the future, then their trust in the firm can start to grow.
Being ethical, transparent, sustainable, human and charitable.
The most effective #strategy to enrich customer satisfaction is to develop a genuine human connection and authentic relationship with your customer.
When a customer is emotionally connected: buy more, care less about the price, follow advice, spread the word, etc…
Happy customers + emotionally connected (engaged) = huge payoff.
An study of @harvard University. The New Science of #Customers #Emotions, shows a comparison of customer value versus customer satisfaction:
Non satisfied customer (under baseline) are not emotionally connected while there is a dramatic increase at the final bar the most satisfied customers, over 52%, which are indeed, are fully connected.
" Passion to perform. Train your mind to think differently. Dare to connect different worlds.
Make it simple but significant and beautiful. Break the mould."