
“It’s all about behaviours, attitude and perception”

That was the mindset we followed to help Sales teams to increase the acceptance and take the most of their new Account Planning Solution. We worked with the end users of the Account Planning Solution and with the Software Company who implemented the tool. It’s been a true collaboration exercise and a win-win project.

One of the key factors of success was to encourage the leaders to position in the front line of the endeavour, acknowledging the challenges and rolling up their sleeves to talk in open source approach.


A story behind scenes ¨ People don’t like to change but we all want to perform and develop ¨


We like to think about a process that starts by envisioning goals and setting framework,, doing a strategy in a scientific method of observation, collecting data and
testing, Align, schedule activities and milestones to develop and deliver and analyse results to perform and evolve.

Once your new process or software solution has been implemented, you understand goals, benefits and expectations. BUT, HOW TO GET ON BOARD

“It’s all about behaviours, attitude, and perception”

That was the mindset we followed to help Sales teams to increase the acceptance and take the most of their new Account Planning Solution.
We worked with the end-users of the Account Planning Solution and with the Software Company who implemented the tool. It’s been a true collaboration exercise and a win-win project.

2 edge global software companies were involved with us. We focused on a people-centered approach supportive by effective communication.
One of the key factors of success was to encourage the leaders to position in the front line of the endeavor, acknowledging the challenges and rolling up their sleeves to talk in an open-source approach.

We drew up a timeline to align our work with the performance objectives once The Account Planning Application went live and a milestone to communicate broadly on the upcoming SKO, {Sales Kick Off}. Having a good employee experience, rebuilding beliefs, skills and capabilities and talking in the language of the customer-defined kind of jobs to develop.

We created new procedures to implement in meetings with a cadence review, handy guides to enhance the use of the Application, videos, graphic strategies and an overall experiential plan supportive by a branding project and communication strategy to unleash creativity and instil the desire to perform on purpose.

The Result? The Account Planning Project became a landmark among the huge amount of new incoming processes to adopt and it went beyond the influence of the members of the Sales Cycle involved. The whole EMEA region knew about the excitement, the engagement and started to care about it

One of the KPI’s to measure the level of engagement was the number of Account Plans created and the quality of the content in the Account Plans created by the team. It increases by 3 times in a period of 3months. Good employee experience, cultural fit on the messaging, and the sponsorship of the leadership team where key drivers to succeed.

With gratitude and profound love.
SC team



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