Creative Senior Director.
Corporate Branding, Graphic Design, Field Marketing and Publicity


Bachelor degree in Marketing and Communication. Post graduate specialisation in Creative Graphic Design for Media Communication and Publicity.

Married, Mother of 2 best loved children that follow Mum’s creative talent.

Lifelong entrepreneur, creative mind, endless seeker of joy and happiness.

Lover of nature and sea lover in particular, fond of sports and foodie amateur. An off-road creative woman


Coherency, joy, passion, honesty, the ability to ask for forgiveness, authenticity. 


Open-minded, compassionate, committed, sensitive, joyful, adaptable, thoughtful, interpersonal skills, excellent ability to look beyond, and create a meaningful branding story from scratch designed with exquisite taste to fit perfectly the style that you are looking for.



- Chance is all  -

“Life is amazing every time you pursue that endeavour to make it happen” Proverb

This proverbs has become my particular mantra to accomplish every job I get involved in and it works. Believe it, make it yours and you will be able to be peace with you and find the anhelated happiness. 

Being a lifelong entrepreneur is my calling; creativity is my life at work.

In our field of design, where everything is seen and judged through the eyes of others, being able to provide every project with its own soul and personality it makes the big difference between an average result and exceptional customer satisfaction.

Marketing and Publicity are tools that making good use of them, with honesty, responsiveness and smart approach allow the brands to be raised up maximising their potential without limits.

Every challenge, every project is a privilege to me. I feel honoured for the responsibility  and I make the project my own falling in love with it. I think this is the holy grail to hit the right result. A sense of exhilarating for the new thing gives me goosebumps.

Starting with a clean sheet of paper and being able to meet customers expectations, represent wishes, dreams, features and functions and doing it with honesty, smart thinking and a hint of crazy creativity coming up with a the result to life, that momentum almost gets me to the Moon and beyond every single time.

it took me a long run to be able to see the world this way and I feel pleased, happy, eager to look for new challenges. This is what keeps me alive. Dare to count on me?


Rachel gives all out for anyone who connects to her.

Crazy and calm both at once, joyful, smiley person, compassionate, dreamer, great listener, genuine, dedicated. An off-road and off-limits creative woman.



"A vaillant coeur rien d'impossible- Belle âme”


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Being a lifelong entrepreneur is my calling; creativity, my life’s work.

Creative Director Branding, Graphic design, Marketing communication.

Art lover, Beauty lover, People lover.

Founder of VerdeMagenta, creators marketplace, she gives all out for anyone who connects to her.

Crazy and calm both at once, joyful, smily person, compassionate, dreamer, great listener, genuine, dedicated.

centered image

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“ What we do, makes us great.
How we do it, makes us unique.”